Sodium Bentonite – Volclay


Volclay is chemically treated granular sodium bentonite used for waterproofing systems.

Sodium Bentonite – Volclay

Volclay Granules are non-treated granular sodium bentonite used as a detailing accessory product for Voltex Waterproofing Systems. When wetted Volclay Granules form into a dense, low permeable material that combines with the sodium bentonite in the Volclay System products, to form a seamless waterproofing membrane.

Mineralogical composition of Volclay Granules is a minimum 90% Montmorillonite with a maximum 10% native sediments and unaltered volcanic ash. Typical sieve analysis is 90% through a 20 mesh sieve and 10% through a 200 mesh sieve. Free swell rating of Voltex Granules is: two grams sifted into de-ionized water swells to occupy a minimum volume of 16 cc.